Monday, June 13, 2011

Ka Ta Parsi

Oi! Tudu fixe?

We've had an INSANE week in the office. I think I'm developing an ulcer (which is ironic because that's why Sister Beus got transferred to Praia). The financial secretaries got to host a man from Spain, doing an audit for the Church. Just one more thing that I didn't think I'd ever experience on my mission. Anyway, so the office was extra full--plus it was the first week of the transfer and we had new missionaries coming, old missionaries leaving and we're still working on learning what in the world to do without Elder Barker!

We also have several Cabo Verdian missionaries who need passports/visas/flight plans/mission calls/lots of other things. I have a feeling that secretaries in the States have a little less work to do. (Not that I have any idea.) But here, President's in charge of the missionaries serving here and the missionaries called from here, serving anywhere else in the world. Also, all the transfers/zone conferences/divisions require plane tickets between islands!

I think I'm over-using the 'slash' key.

So it's been pretty hectic, which really wouldn't be that bad since Sister Laimana and I have fun through all of it, but it's meant that we've been getting out teaching SUPER late (and there's sort of a transition in having the sisters come in a bit earlier nowadays) so we've had hardly any time to teach! And now that there's only one companionship in the area, we inherited all the other sister's investigators (most of which I already know because Sister Turnbow and I started teaching them) and it's stressing me out. But next week will be less crazy so it's all good.

Let's see--a couple days ago I woke up and Sister Beus told me I said a prayer in my sleep. In Portuguese! Turns out I might be a good missionary after all. The funny part, however, was that Sister Beus was really confused and thought that we were saying a companionship prayer so she said her own personal prayer after I finished. That's right. We pray before we sleep, after we sleep and while we're sleeping.

Without Elder Barker, we've got the Hiace to ourselves. We've actually had to venture out on our errands, with just me at the wheel and Sister Laimana as navigator. I'm driving in Africa. Please tell me you think that's cool. :)

We have one investigator now who's extra awesome. He's had very little schooling, doesn't speak a speck of Portuguese but he can read and he's really smart. I feel like maybe I've told you about him, but I'll continue anyway. His name is Beto and he wants to get baptized so badly. He needs to get married and that's what he's working on now. They live about as far away as you can get in Inferno and they have gravel for a floor. We sit on buckets and cinderblocks and I just grin the whole time as he explains the Book of Mormon to us and applies it to his life. He rides his bike to church every single week! He's awesome. I'm looking forward to this transfer.

We've been having a great P-day. It's Sister Beus' first in Praia so we've been showing her around. We had breakfast at the lighthouse, got a tour of the Abby (we almost got to ring the bell) by a little old woman who saw us walking by and invited us in, and then took plenty of time in Sucupira! I forget what an incredible sight all of Praia is, but it was fun being able to share it. It reminded me that even though I've almost been here for 6 months, I still love it. Gosh. I love it so much.

Oh, and we also took her to eat at Segunda's. I know we're probably a bad influence, but it was delicious and you can't beat a meal at Sucupira. And we saw four Elders there as well.

We've had some fun taxi experiences this week. One driver kicked us out by the beach because he said he needed to go somewhere else so we had to get a different taxi to take us home. At least the first one didn't make us pay. Then another night we had a taxi man tell us that our destination no longer existed. I think it was Taxi Humor. But it was fun because I got to practice my Krioulu in the taxis. He told us that our house 'ka ta parsi' which literally means it won't appear or we won't find it.

Also, that reminded me: Elder Fonseca, our zone leader who's from Mindelo asked me how I learned how to write in Krioulu since we filled out his office request form in Krioulu--journal 'burmedju' instead of vermelho (red). I told him I learned it from the Bible. :)

Well...I'm really thirsty and the air conditioner is dripping on me and we have to go pick up Elder Andrade's passport (on P-Day!) so I'll say tchau.

I love you all!

Sister Emma Jean Dot Brooks

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